Monday, September 26, 2011

Coming down to the wire

We are coming down to the wire with this pregnancy.  October and November will be very full months leading up to the arrival of our little boy, Colt Frederick Celano.  My most recent discover is that my feet are getting swollen.  I don't think they look all that swollen, but my shoes are getting pretty snug.  Flip Flops seem to be the best way to go these days.  Hopefully my job doesn't mind too much. 

My friend and I also took a trip to our friends house this weekend to watch a little movie.  A little home movie of a baby being born.  Oh man.  Talk about a reality check.  All in all it really wasn't that scary.  Although it was emotional.  Watching the baby enter the world was a whirlwind of emotion.  I was amazed, excited, scared, and I can't even think of words to describe the rest of my feelings.  In preparation we are also visiting the hospital this week.  It's all becoming so real!  Now I'm thinking about packing my bag, and getting my disability forms together, and maybe taking a birthing class.....

Of course we also have to get the baby’s room ready, which we will finally get to do.  Long story, but we are finally moving!  We found a cute 2bd/2ba home in Almaden.  Super nice neighborhood.  I can't even tell you how relieved I am to be moving.  The house situation has been such a stress and burden on Justin and myself.  Now all we have to do is have some baby showers so we have some stuff to put in the room :)

 Here is a sneak preview of the house...
The backyard is something else.  The style is southwest meets Christmas.  2 large catus plants, and 1 big Christmas Tree. 

More pictures of the house to come once we've moved in :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

A few things

First off let's talk emotions.  So far the hardest part of this pregnancy has been the emotional roller coaster I am currently on.  Morning sickness was a breeze.  If I felt nauseous all I had to do was eat something and I felt better (which is where the first 10-15 lbs came from, thanks baby).  Back pain hasn’t been too bad.  It hasn’t kept me awake at night (of course I’m only about 5.75 months in, so I’ll get back to you on that topic in the next few months).  But the emotions are crazy and give me that out of control feeling.  Not being able to control my state of mind or emotional outburst is becoming tiresome.  I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had to apologize to my husband.  Poor guy, he’s probably thinking not only is my wife getting increasingly round and unable to lift or bend, but now she’s acting like a crazy person.

I won’t go into the arguments that I started over the weekend, but this morning the emotion sadness came over me.  For whatever reason as I was driving to work this morning I couldn’t get the thought out of my head that someday my dog Dallas is going to die.  I just kept thinking that in 10 or so years I’m going to have to deal with that grief and sadness and it was bringing me to tears.   I kept imagining myself having to explain to our 10 or so year old son why Dallas had to pass away and what it means. Why on earth am I thinking about that right now?  And poor Dixie, why wasn’t she included in my sadness?  Who knows…I blame hormones.

But on a happy note we registered this weekend, yea!  Well we started.  We spent about 3 hours at Buybuy baby yesterday and we are about half way done registering.  We have no idea what we need or what things are.  We were so lost, haha!  Luckily the customer service was great.  Everyone was very knowledgeable and helpful.  I think the last woman who helped us in the stroller section could tell we were lost and tired, so God bless her.  She walked us through several things we would need.  But warning to all, when you go on our registry we pretty much asked for one of everything. We don’t know any better.  If you know better what we’ll need please buy us those things.

Another very happy note, Colt is a moving machine lately.  Justin can feel some of it, but I can feel all of it.  And it’s so great.  He’s a fan of summersaults and little kicks from what I can tell. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Kate Moss

This one is for you Miya...

So apparently Kate Moss has said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".  I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one Kate.  (I don't think this is prego Nichole talking by the way, just normal foodie Nichole).  First of all I want to know what kind of food Ms. Moss is eating because I've had some damn good food.  For example, Miya do you remember that french restaurant in Vegas?  Ok I know we over ate there and that didn't feel so great, but the food was good!  Just this last week I made Chicken Parm with Spaghetti and a garden salad, and it was good (if I don't say so myself).  I can go on and on about food and what and how much I love, but for those of you that know me I think you already know where I'm coming from.
So lets talk about "how good skinny feels".  But does it really feel good?  Sure when you're at that ideal weight you can't wait to go shopping for skinny pants and bikini's.  I won't deny that the "have you lost weight" comments are also great to hear.  But really how good does it feel to be constantly obsessed over how many calories we can eat and how we can squeeze that run in on top of all of the other things we have to do in life.  It can drive you crazy. 
I think it all comes down to moderation.  I don't want to eat myself into oblivion and I don't want to starve myself from what life has to offer.  I do believe that God put yummy food on this earth for us to enjoy.  But I also believe that God wants us to take care of our bodies and stay healthy so that we can be as prepared as possible to do what he calls us to do.
To sum it up, I'm going to stick to a mostly healthy and balanced diet, while allowing myself to indulge once in a while, and trying to get some physical activity in there as regularly as possible...of course I make this claim before I have my hands full with baby Colt.  So I'll get back to you then, haha

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My first post

Hello blog world, or blogosphere, whatever you prefer to be called.  Well unlike my good friend Ashley's last 5 months mine have included growing.  Growing all over really, my belly, butt, legs, you know all the good stuff.  But I figure I can wear a lot of dresses and sweats for a while and I'm a little more free in what I can eat.  Oh excempt for all of the stuff that I can't eat!  I just found out that I can't eat deli meat unless it's heated.  And that's on top of all of the good soft cheeses like feta and brie.  And of course sushi is out of the question, along with caffine, wine, carpaccio, sword fish, sprouts, etc.  Not that I ingest all of these items regularly. 
But it's really not that bad I guess.  I'm started to feel my baby boy moving around.  I feel like maybe he rolls while punching his arms and legs out.  It's still hard to tell because I don't really know what to feel for.  It's kind of like hey is that the baby...oh wait it's just gas.  But we are getting closer to definate movement.  Justin even felt a little kick that other day.  I think he enjoyed it.

Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure