Hello blog world, or blogosphere, whatever you prefer to be called. Well unlike my good friend Ashley's last 5 months mine have included growing. Growing all over really, my belly, butt, legs, you know all the good stuff. But I figure I can wear a lot of dresses and sweats for a while and I'm a little more free in what I can eat. Oh excempt for all of the stuff that I can't eat! I just found out that I can't eat deli meat unless it's heated. And that's on top of all of the good soft cheeses like feta and brie. And of course sushi is out of the question, along with caffine, wine, carpaccio, sword fish, sprouts, etc. Not that I ingest all of these items regularly.
But it's really not that bad I guess. I'm started to feel my baby boy moving around. I feel like maybe he rolls while punching his arms and legs out. It's still hard to tell because I don't really know what to feel for. It's kind of like hey is that the baby...oh wait it's just gas. But we are getting closer to definate movement. Justin even felt a little kick that other day. I think he enjoyed it.
Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure
'unlike ashley's last 5 months' haha! that's so true. that pic of you at the saddlerack/easter party! who knew!