Friday, July 15, 2011

Kate Moss

This one is for you Miya...

So apparently Kate Moss has said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".  I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one Kate.  (I don't think this is prego Nichole talking by the way, just normal foodie Nichole).  First of all I want to know what kind of food Ms. Moss is eating because I've had some damn good food.  For example, Miya do you remember that french restaurant in Vegas?  Ok I know we over ate there and that didn't feel so great, but the food was good!  Just this last week I made Chicken Parm with Spaghetti and a garden salad, and it was good (if I don't say so myself).  I can go on and on about food and what and how much I love, but for those of you that know me I think you already know where I'm coming from.
So lets talk about "how good skinny feels".  But does it really feel good?  Sure when you're at that ideal weight you can't wait to go shopping for skinny pants and bikini's.  I won't deny that the "have you lost weight" comments are also great to hear.  But really how good does it feel to be constantly obsessed over how many calories we can eat and how we can squeeze that run in on top of all of the other things we have to do in life.  It can drive you crazy. 
I think it all comes down to moderation.  I don't want to eat myself into oblivion and I don't want to starve myself from what life has to offer.  I do believe that God put yummy food on this earth for us to enjoy.  But I also believe that God wants us to take care of our bodies and stay healthy so that we can be as prepared as possible to do what he calls us to do.
To sum it up, I'm going to stick to a mostly healthy and balanced diet, while allowing myself to indulge once in a while, and trying to get some physical activity in there as regularly as possible...of course I make this claim before I have my hands full with baby Colt.  So I'll get back to you then, haha

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My first post

Hello blog world, or blogosphere, whatever you prefer to be called.  Well unlike my good friend Ashley's last 5 months mine have included growing.  Growing all over really, my belly, butt, legs, you know all the good stuff.  But I figure I can wear a lot of dresses and sweats for a while and I'm a little more free in what I can eat.  Oh excempt for all of the stuff that I can't eat!  I just found out that I can't eat deli meat unless it's heated.  And that's on top of all of the good soft cheeses like feta and brie.  And of course sushi is out of the question, along with caffine, wine, carpaccio, sword fish, sprouts, etc.  Not that I ingest all of these items regularly. 
But it's really not that bad I guess.  I'm started to feel my baby boy moving around.  I feel like maybe he rolls while punching his arms and legs out.  It's still hard to tell because I don't really know what to feel for.  It's kind of like hey is that the baby...oh wait it's just gas.  But we are getting closer to definate movement.  Justin even felt a little kick that other day.  I think he enjoyed it.

Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure